European stocks struggle for direction: Market News

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European stocks struggle for direction: Market News

June 28, 2018 - 11:30
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Европейские акции сегодня испытывают проблемы с выбором направления, а азиатские рынки понижаются по мере того, как инвесторы оценивают последние изменения в стратегии США по отношению к китайской торговле и инвестициям. Основной азиатский индекс падает уже четыре дня подряд, а индекс развивающихся рынков упал до самого низкого значения за год. Нефть WTI подешевела. 

Photo © Gerd Altmann, CC0 1.0

European shares struggle for direction today after Asian markets declined while investors evaluate consequences of new changes in the US strategy in regards to Chinese trade and investments.

Mining and IT-companies suffer biggest losses in index Stoxx Europe 600 today. Energy companies lead the gain. Index itself gained less than 0,05%. British FTSE and German DAX both grew by 0,1%.

Main Asian Index has been falling four days in a row. MSCI Emerging Markets index dropped by 0,8% to the lowest level in a year.

Chinese yuan, dollar and euro are fluctuating. British pound lost 0,3%, its rate $1,3079.

WTI oil dropped by 0,1% to $72,67 a barrel. Brent oil lost less than 0,05% and costs $77,60 a barrel. Gold continues losing its value, its price $1250,39 per ounce.