Largest pension fund in the world showed best return in three years

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Largest pension fund in the world showed best return in three years

July 06, 2018 - 12:51

Самый крупный в мире пенсионный фонд показал лучшую годовую доходность за три года, сообщает Bloomberg. Доходность Государственного Пенсионного Инвестиционного Фонда за год, завершившийся 31 марта, составила 6,9% или 10,1 триллионов йен ($91 миллиард).

Fuji mountain and vulcano in Japan | ©Thanapat Pirmphol, CC0 1.0

The largest pension fund in the world showed best annual return in three years, Bloomberg reports.

Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) returned 6,9% or 10,1 trillion yen ($91 billion) in a year ending March 31. Total assets reached 156,4 trillion yen. The best investment of the fund were domestic stocks that brought 5,5 trillion yen. Then, foreign shares follow with 3,5 trillion. Local bonds brought 362 billion and foreign bonds 674 billion.

GPIF’s management thinks that now it is good time to invest in equities, since global economy has strong position. In long-term perspective the share of high-risk assets might be reduced.

In 2014 the fund doubled investments in shares and reduced holdings in bonds. It helped fund to show annual gains three years out of four.

Japanese stocks index Topix grew more than 13% during last financial year. Japanese currency gained 4,8% related to dollar,

General goal of the fund is to hold 25% of portfolio in domestic stocks and 25% in foreign. Most part of investments is represented by strategies that follow after indexes. As to the largest holdings, then Toyota Motor, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group are leading among domestic stocks. Apple and Microsoft lead foreign investments.