Goldman Sachs: Emerging markets equities may show two-digit returns next year

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Goldman Sachs: Emerging markets equities may show two-digit returns next year

November 21, 2018 - 09:45
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According to Goldman Sachs, emerging markets equities may show two-digit returns next year, Bloomberg reports. Experts point out to opportunity of higher growth outside of China and current low valuation of stocks.

Photo © Gerd Altmann, CC0 1.0

According to Goldman Sachs, emerging markets equities may show two-digit returns next year, Bloomberg reports.

While US economy will be expanding through 2020, and China will be able to manage growth slowdown by applying stimulus, emerging markets stocks might show return up to 12%. At the same time assets in a whole will demonstrate just moderate growth.

Experts point out to opportunity of higher growth outside of China and current low valuation of stocks. Currencies of those countries may grow by 2% in average. Concerns raise Turkish lira and Argentinean peso.

Asian stocks will be showing better results than equities in Latin America in 2019.